On Wednesday 8th June,2019, the writer A.L.Kennedy and Ros Steen were both invited to give a joint presentation to members of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin about the connection between NGVW and writing. A short contextual introduction by Ros was followed by a practical demonstration. Kennedy, who had written four new pieces for the occasion each one linked to one of the Four Qualities, spoke each piece before and after working on her voice with Ros. She also spoke from a personal point of view about the voice work. A lively question and answer session followed and the whole evening was recorded for the Akademie’s archives. The event was also attended by accredited teacher Margareta Unné (Teta). While in Berlin, Teta and Ros paid a visit to do some research into Alfred Wolfsohn’s archive which is held by the Jewish Museum in Berlin.

Read Ros Steen’s introduction here.
